08:00–09:00 | REGISTRATION, COFFEE | |
09:00–09:15 | Welcome by conference chairman ATTILA PIRÓTH IAPTI introduction by AURORA HUMARÁN Plenary |
09:15–10:10 | KEYNOTE SPEAKER: DAVID BELLOS: The tasks of a translator Plenary [LIT TR/LANG] |
10:10–10:40 | MORNING COFFEE BREAK | |
10:40–11:30 | CÉCILE DENIARD: Defending literary translators and copyright in Europe: CEATL’s action [PRO/LIT TR] | KEVIN LOSSNER: Re-imagining technology to serve translators [TECH] |
11:35–12:25 | STEVE VITEK: Threats, challenges and opportunities for translators in the modern version of corporatized translation industry [PRO/ETH] | SAMEH RAGAB: The art of disaster recovery planning: Everything a translator needs to know to be prepared against computer disasters and loss of data [TECH] |
12:30–14:00 | BUFFET LUNCH | |
14:00–14:50 | NATALIE GARDE (CERN): Translation at the cutting edge of science [SCI TR] | CHRISTINE SCHMIT: Becoming a legal translator: from formal training to self-study [LEG TR] |
14:55–15:45 | PAULA ARTURO: The role of T&I professionals in the international human rights arena: Strategic partners to state and non-state actors [PRO/ETH] | GARY SMITH: Scientific translation basics [SCI TR] |
15:45–16:15 | AFTERNOON COFFEE BREAK | |
16:15–17:05 | VALERIJ TOMARENKO: The nonverbal translator [TECH/BUS] | KALINA JANEVA: Embracing Babel: On the best young translator competition [LIT TR/LANG] |
17:10–18:00 | Associations’ Round Table ‘The more the stronger’: Moderated by ATTILA PIRÓTH | MICHAEL FARRELL: The truth about transcreation – A closely guarded secret you really ought to know |
08:30–09:00 | REGISTRATION , COFFEE | |
09:00–09:50 | JOÃO ROQUE DIAS: Welcome to scammers’ world: Where nothing is true, but people believe, anyway [PRO/BUS] | VALERIA ALIPERTA: Not just a pretty logo: brand voice, storytelling & marketing channels [BUS/MKT] |
09:55–10:45 | ŁUKASZ GOS: Contracts with agencies – outsourcing translation or outsourcing risk? [PRO/BUS] | HEIDI CAZES: The different roles of the judiciary interpreter: juggling technique, modalities, fields and ethics [INT/PRO] |
10:50–11:20 | MORNING COFFEE BREAK | |
11:20–12:10 | FELICIA NEGRU (EU DGT): Contracts for translation services and EU institutions: how thick is the jungle? [PRO/BUS] | JOSHUA GOLDSMITH: The tablet interpreter: How to use your tablet for consecutive interpreting [INT/TECH] |
12:15–13:05 | MATHILDE FONTANET (CERN): Excess in translation [LIT TR] | TONY ROSADO: How should interpreters set their fees? [INT/PRO] |
13:10–14:40 | BUFFET LUNCH | |
14:40–15:30 | WARREN SMITH: Multimillion-dollar freelancing: Efficiency engineering in translation [PRO/BUS] | VÉRONIQUE BÉGHAIN, ISABELLE POULIN, CLÉMENT ROSSIGNOL PUECH: In search of visibility: Histoire des traductions en langue française [TR/LANG] |
15:35–16:25 | MARTA STELMASZAK: When Michael Porter meets the translation profession. Applying high-level strategy to the world of freelance translation [BUS/MKT] | MARC ORLANDO: 21st-century interpreters and digital pen technology: New contexts, new media and new modes for a new age? [INT/TECH] |
16:30–17:00 | AFTERNOON COFFEE BREAK | |
17:00–17:50 | LINDA FITCHETT AND MAYA HESS: Protecting translators and interpreters worldwide: A first in solidary action [INT] Plenary |
17:55–18:15 | CLOSING CEREMONY / RAFFLE | |
18:15–18:45 | GROUP PHOTO |