*Deceptive words, with SPA <> ENG translation exercises
*Expressions with multiple meanings in medical translation, with examples of polysemic lexis for SPA <> ENG
Fernando A. Navarro graduated in medicine and surgery (Universidad de Salamanca, 1986, magna cum laude) and specialised in clinical pharmacology (Hospital Universitario «Marqués de Valdecilla» in Santander, 1991). From 1993 until 2002 he worked as an in-house medical translator in the Languages Department of Roche Laboratories in Basel (Switzerland). At present he works as a freelance medical translator for different multinationals in the health and biopharmaceutical sector, and is technical director of the Medical Term Dictionary project of the Real Academia Nacional de Medicina (Madrid). He is author of Diccionario crítico de dudas inglés-español de medicina, Traducción y lenguaje en medicina (Barcelona: Esteve, 1997), Parentescos insólitos del lenguaje (Madrid: Del Prado, 2002) and more than 400 articles in specialist journals on the theory and practice of medical translation and medical language problems.