Works - Translations

Title: The Story of Peter Rabbit
Title in translation: El cuento del conejo Pedro
Writer: Based on the story and Beatrix Potter
Translator: Ines Garcia Botana
Publisher: Dalmatian Press, LLC
ISBN: 9781403722805


This was a great opportunity offered to me by Bill Greendyke. Inspired by author Beatrix Potter’s own pets, the Peter Rabbit fable centers on a family of rabbits with human characteristics. Peter is a mischievous rabbit who likes to get into trouble, unlike his three sisters who maintain impeccable good behavior.
Wonderful teaching for naughty children!

Title: Duli Finds Friends
Title in translation: Duli encuentra amigos
Writer: Kate Watkins
Translator: Ines Garcia Botana
Publisher: Dalmatian Press, LLC
ISBN: 9781403724823


Duli is a dinosaur who lives in a cave on the top of a hill. He dreams of being able to get close to the children he sees playing down in the valley. But Duli is afraid of not being accepted… I loved translating it because it is essential to accept others as they are with respect and affection, and children are very sensitive, so it is more difficult for them to manage their insecurity.

Title: Rowdy's Big Day (Horses and ponies)
Title in translation: El gran día de Raudi (Caballos y ponis)
Writer: Cindy Robertson Waters
Translator: Ines Garcia Botana
Publisher: Dalmatian Press, LLC
ISBN: 9781403724854


And this book once again gave me the pleasure of translating it for children where they can learn what a Percheron, a Shetland pony, a quarter horse, and an American trotter are and will mingle with jockeys and thoroughbreds What excitement! Tomas is off to the State Fair to show his quarter horse, Rowdy!