Works - Translations

Title: The Son of the House
Title in translation: ابن االبيت
Writer: Cheluchi Onyemelukwe
Translator: tecnoIAPTI20
Publisher: Rewayat
ISBN: 978-9948-75-832-7


The lives of two Nigerian women divided by class and social inequality intersect when they’re kidnapped, held captive, and forced to await their fate together. In the Nigerian city of Enugu, young Nwabulu, a housemaid since the age of ten, dreams of becoming a typist as she endures her employers endless chores. She is tall and beautiful and in love with a rich man’s son. Educated and privileged, Julie is a modern woman. Living on her own, she is happy to collect the gold jewellery lovestruck Eugene brings her, but has no intention of becoming his second wife. When a kidnapping forces Nwabulu and Julie into a dank room years later, the two women relate the stories of their lives as they await their fate. Pulsing with vitality and intense human drama, Cheluchi Onyemelukwe-Onuobia’s debut is set against four decades of vibrant Nigeria, celebrating the resilience of women as they navigate and transform what remains a man’s world.

Title: Ghid Poliglot de Conversație
Title in translation: Polyglot Conversation Guide
Writer: Iosif JUHASZ
Translator: tecnoIAPTI20
Publisher: LOGISTICA
ISBN: 973-99919-5-5


Ghid poliglot de conversaţie al lucrătorului Ministerului de Interne din zona de frontieră (român-englez, român-francez, român-rus, român-maghiar, român-ucrainean)
[Polyglot conversation guide for the Ministry of Interior worker in the border area (Romanian-English, Romanian-French, Romanian-Russian, Romanian-Hungarian, Romanian-Ukrainian)]

Title: Out of Darkness Shining Light
Title in translation: والنور يضيء في الظلمة
Writer: Petina Gappah
Translator: tecnoIAPTI20
Publisher: Rewayat
ISBN: 978-9948-25-895-7


The captivating story of the African men and women who carried explorer and missionary Dr. Livingstone’s body, papers, and maps, fifteen hundred miles across the continent of Africa, so his remains could be returned home to England and his work preserved there.

Title: Das Goldene Gässchen
Title in translation: La Callejuela del Oro
Writer: Salfellner, Harald
Translator: tecnoIAPTI20
Publisher: Vitalis Verlag
ISBN: 978-3-89919-683-2


Traducido del alemán por Carlos González Rivera, CT

Title: ኣይሁዳዊ ነዛ ዓለም ምስ ዚገዝኣ
Title in translation: ኣይሁዳዊ ነዛ ዓለም ምስ ዚገዝኣ
Writer: Aman Desbele Baryahannes
Translator: tecnoIAPTI20
Publisher: Independently published
ISBN: 979-8399568850


“ኣይሁዳዊ ነዛ ዓለም ምስ ዚገዝኣ” ብዮኤል ሪቻርድሰን ኣብ 2015 እተጻሕፈት ሓንቲ ካብተን ብሉጻት ሽያጥ ኒውዮርክ ታይምስ (New York Times best seller) እያ። እዛ መጽሓፍ፡ ኣብ ዓውዲ ትንቢታት መወዳእታ ዘመን ከምኡ’ውን ምምላስ ናይቲ ንዓለም ዘመሓድር ኣይሁዳዊ መሲሕ ዝትንትን እዩ። ሪቻርድሰን ንመጽሓፍ ቅዱሳዊ ክፍልታትን ኣብ ተራ እስራኤልን ህዝቢ ኣይሁድን ኣብ ምቕራጽ ፍጻመታት መወዳእታ ዘመንን ዘለዎም ትርጉምን ይምርምር። ምምጻእ ናይዚ ሓደ ኣይሁዳዊ መሲሕ ኣብ ጂኦፖለቲካዊን ሃይማኖታዊን ዳይናሚክስን ኣብ ዓለማዊ መሓውር ስልጣንን ብኸመይ ጽልዋ ከሕድር ከም ዝኽእል የብርህ። ብተወሳኺ፡ እዛ መጽሓፍ ኣብ መንጎ ክርስትያንን ኣይሁድን ዝነበረ ታሪኻዊ ቅርሕንቲ ብዕምቆት ትድህስስ።

Title: A Midsummer Night's Dream for Kids (Shakespeare Can Be Fun!)
Title in translation: ¡Shakespeare puede ser divertido! Sueño de una noche de verano para niños.
Writer: Lois Burdett
Translator: tecnoIAPTI20
Publisher: QWILL Media & Education, Inc.
ISBN: ISBN-10 1552091244


“Who is William Shakespeare?” For more than 20 years, Lois Burdett has asked that question of her elementary school students in Stratford, Ontario, Canada, leading them on a voyage of discovery that brings the Bard to life for boys and girls ages seven and up.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream for Kids, written in rhyming couplets is suitable for staging as class plays as well as reading aloud.

Title: Milo's Hat Trick
Title in translation: El sombrero mágico de Milo
Writer: Jon Agee
Translator: tecnoIAPTI20
Publisher: Penguin Random House
ISBN: 978-0-593-85643-7


After failing to perform any good magic tricks during his show, Milo is close to losing his job, but while searching for a rabbit in the woods, Milo encounters a clever bear and quickly decides to use him for his next great trick that is sure to wow the audience. 40,000 first printing.

Title: Alebrijes
Title in translation: Alebrijes
Writer: Donna Barba Higuera
Translator: tecnoIAPTI20
Publisher: Levine Querido
ISBN: 1646144163


Desde hace 400 años, la Tierra es un páramo estéril. Los pocos humanos que quedan luchan por sobrevivir en la cruel ciudad de Pocatel. Su otra opción es aventurarse solos en las tierras salvajes, que están plagadas de espíritus errantes y gudrones. No duran mucho.

Leandro, un ladroncito de 13 años, y su hermana Gabi hacen lo que pueden para forjarse una vida en Pocatel. La ciudad no es amable con cascabeles como ellos, descendientes de quienes trabajaron en el valle de San Joaquín durante generaciones.

Luego de que atrapan a Gabi robando la preciada fruta de la elite pocatelana, Leandro asume la responsabilidad del robo. Su exilio resulta ser mucho más de lo que él podría haber imaginado de un simple destierro: su conciencia es colocada en un antiguo dron y… a arreglárselas solo. Pero más allá de los muros de Pocatel hay otros alebrijes que, como Leandro, quieren un mundo mejor. También hay monstruos mutantes, piratas del páramo, un oasis oculto… y la verdad.

Escrita por Donna Barba Higuera, autora de The Last Cuentista (La última cuentista), libro premiado con la Medalla Newbery y el premio Pura Belpré, llega esta nueva novela para sorprendernos y crear un nuevo mundo lleno de imaginación, espejo del nuestro.

Title: Le Maure Errant
Title in translation: The Pessimist Virus: Ulysses in Europe
Writer: Gibran banhakeia
Translator: tecnoIAPTI20
Publisher: Hassan Banhakeia
ISBN: 9786200107503


A combination of mistranslation and rewriting, all based on Hassan Banhakeia’s novel – Le Maure Errant

Title: A Midsummer Night'S Dream FOR kIDS
Title in translation: Sueño de una noche de verano para niños
Writer: Lois Burdett
Translator: tecnoIAPTI20
Publisher: QWILL Media & Education, Inc.
ISBN: 978-1552091302


“Who is William Shakespeare?” For more than 20 years, Lois Burdett has asked that question of her elementary school students in Stratford, Ontario, Canada, leading them on a voyage of discovery that brings the Bard to life for boys and girls ages seven and up.

A Midsummer Night’s Dream for Kids, written in rhyming couplets is suitable for staging as class plays as well as reading aloud.

Title in translation: EL PRÓLOGO
Writer: Alexander V. Mirtchev
Translator: tecnoIAPTI20
Publisher: Springtime Books
ISBN: 978-1-9196133-9-0


Estudio sobre las energías alternativas que analiza el despliegue de la trayectoria de seguridad del ascenso de la energía alternativa desde el punto de vista sociopolítico, tecnoeconómico e ideológico en la era de la competencia entre las grandes potencias. Estudia la evolución de los desarrollos contemporáneoss de las energías alternativas hacia una megatendencia global del siglo XXI y sus implicaciones de seguridad en el contexto de la cuarta revolución industrial y el mundo en desequilibrio y universalmente securitizado. Enuncia los requisitos previos para las estrategias y políticas de priorización dinámica de seguridad.