2005- Professor IX, UCSB
1990- Professor, University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB), Spanish & Portuguese Dept.
Affiliated faculty: College of Creative Studies, Comparative Literature Program, Latin
American & Iberian Studies Dept.
1989-92 Chair, UCSB, Latin American & Iberian Studies Dept.
1988 Associate Professor, UCSB, Spanish and Portuguese Dept.
1984-88 Associate Professor, University of Washington, Romance Language and Literature,
Comparative Literature
1977-84 Assistant Professor, Tufts University, Romance Language and Literature
Visiting Appointments
2003 Distinguished Visiting Professor, CCNY and CUNY Graduate Center (Fall)
2003 Visiting Professor, Translation Seminar, Banff Intl. Center for the Arts, (August)
1981-82 Visiting Associate Professor, Brooklyn College CUNY, Comparative Lit. Program (Summer)
1978/79/83 Visiting Associate Professor, New York University: Summer Hispanic Stds. Grad. Program
1976 Lecturer, Hunter College (Fall)
1976 Lecturer, Yale University, College Seminar (Spring)
1975 Instructor, New York University (Spring)
2004 IHC Collaborative Faculty/Student Grant: Translation Studies Journal
2002 Lambda Literary Foundation Publisher’s Service Award to UWP for publication of
exemplary works in the field of gay lesbian transgendered literature, among them paperback
edition of Manuel Puig and the Spider Woman: Life and Fictions
1997 Residency Rockefeller Foundation,Villa Serbelloni, Bellagio: Puig Biography.
1996 American PEN Center Kolovakos Award for Career Achievement in Hispanic Studies.
1996 Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship: Biography of Manuel Puig,
1995 NEH University Teacher Fellowship: Biography of Manuel Puig,
1995 NEH Summer Stipend (Declined): Biography of Manuel Puig,
1994 First Prize Fondo Cultural y Casa Argentina Jerusalem for English Translation of Adolfo
Bioy Casares.
1992 National Endowment for the Arts: The Selected Stories of Adolfo Bioy Casares (Translation)
1991 National Endowment for the Humanities Research Grant: (Selected Stories: Bioy Casares)
1990 U.S.A. West PEN/Elinor D. Randall Literary Translation Award
1989 Regents Humanities Faculty Fellowship, UCSB: The Subversive Scribe
1989 IHC Research Travel Grant, UCSB: The Selected Stories of Adolfo Bioy Casares
1988 Univ. of Washington Graduate School Research Fund: The Subversive Scribe
1983 UNESCO Conference, Paris, Tufts Faculty Research Award
l986 National Endowment for the Arts: Larva (Translation)
l985 Univ. of Washington Grad. School Rsch. Fund: The Selected Stories of Adolfo Bioy Casares
1981 National Endowment for the Arts: Maitreya (Translation)
1979 Mellon Fellowship (Wellesley Coll. Rsch. in Latin Amer. Ctr. for Women): Women Writers
1975 American Association of University Women Doctoral Fellowship
1972 NYU Doctorate Program, NDEA Title VI Fellowship
2007: Edition: “Borges: Further Inquisitions” Romanic Review Vol 98, nos 2-3, March-May
(Columbia University): special issue on J L Borges. 319 pages.
2002 Manuel Puig y la Mujer Araña: Vida y Ficciones. Trans. Elvio Gandolfo with the author.
Barcelona & Buenos Aires: Seix Barral (Los Tres Mundos, Biografía) & Editorial Planeta, 417
2001 Manuel Puig and the Spider Woman: His Life and Fictions (Farrar Straus & Giroux, Faber &
Faber, 2000; University of Wisconsin, paperback, 2001).
1998 Escriba Subversiva: poética de una traductora. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Economica (tr. R.
Gallo & SJL).
1991 The Subversive Scribe: Translating Latin American Fiction. St. Paul, MN: Graywolf Press; 2nd
edition (new preface): Dalkey Archive Press, Fall 2009.
1982 Guia de Bioy Casares. Madrid: Editorial Fundamentos.
1979 Co-editor with E. Rodríguez Monegal, Maestros hispánicos del siglo XX: Intermediate College
Spanish Textbook. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
1975 El espejo hablado: un estudio de Cien años de soledad. Caracas: Monte Avila Editores.
1970 Latin America: Fiction and Poetry in Translation (bibliography with indexes, through December
1969). New York: Center for Inter-American Relations.
1 Total number of publications is ca. 250 not counting all reprints.
Selected Translations
2007 Beach Birds, by Severo Sarduy (with Carol Maier; translators afterword). Los Angeles: Otis
Books/Seismicity Editions.
1999 The Non-Fictions of Jorge Luis Borges. Viking Penguin (edited by E. Weinberger; collaboration
with EW and E. Allen.)
1995 Christ on the Rue Jacob, by Severo Sarduy (with Carol Maier), San Francisco: Mercury House.
1994 The Selected Stories of Adolfo Bioy Casares. New Directions.
1992 A Russian Doll and Other Stories, by Adolfo Bioy Casares. New York: New Directions, Inc.
1991 Unravelling Words & the Weaving of Water (collaboration/Eliot Weinberger), by Cecilia Vicuña.
St. Paul, MN: Graywolf Press.
1991 Tropical Night Falling, by Manuel Puig. New York: Simon & Schuster; London: Faber & Faber,
Inc., 1992.
1990 Larva (collaboration/R. Francis), by Julián Ríos. Dalkey Archive Press (Illinois).
1989 Adventures of a Photographer in La Plata by Adolfo Bioy Casares. New York: E.P. Dutton; 1991
Penguin USA; London: Bloomsbury.
1987 Maitreya by Severo Sarduy. New Hampshire: Ediciones del Norte.
1984 Infante’s Inferno, by Guillermo Cabrera Infante. New York: Harper & Row; paperback, Avon
Books, l985; London: Faber & Faber, 1987.
1984 A House in the Country, by Jose Donoso, in New York: Alfred A.Knopf; paperback, Random
House, l985.
1978 Asleep in the Sun, by Adolfo Bioy Casares. New York: Persea Books; reprint: Dutton, 1989.
1978 View of Dawn in the Tropics by Guillermo Cabrera Infante. New York: Harper & Row; two
paperback reprints.
1976 The Buenos Aires Affair by Manuel Puig. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1976; reprint:
Random House, 1980; London: Faber & Faber 1989. New edition: Dalkey Archive
Press, 2010.
1975 Cobra by Severo Sarduy. Foreword by SJL. New York: Dutton.
1975 A Plan for Escape by Adolfo Bioy Casares. New York: Dutton; reissued by Graywolf Press,
1973 Heartbreak Tango by Manuel Puig. New York: E. P. Dutton; three paperback reprints: Dutton;
Random House; Dutton, 1988. Forthcoming edition: Dalkey Archive Press, 2009.
1973 All Fires the Fire, short stories by Julio Cortázar. New York: Pantheon; paperback, 1988.
1972 Triple Cross: a volume of three novellas: Hell Has No Limits, by Jose Donoso (reissued Sun &
Moon Press, 1996; Holy Place, by Carlos Fuentes (paperback reprint by FSG); From Cuba with a
Song by Severo Sarduy. New York: E. P. Dutton; reissued, Sun & Moon Press, 1994.
1971 Betrayed by Rita Hayworth, by Manuel Puig. E. P. Dutton; three paperback reprints (Avon;
Random House; Dutton, 1988). Forthcoming edition: Dalkey Archive Press, 2009.
1971 Three Trapped Tigers (collaboration) by Guillermo Cabrera Infante. New York: Harper & Row;
paperbacks: Harper & Row; Avon Books, l985, Faber & Faber, 1990.
Selected Publications in journals and anthologies
2007 (with Carol Maier): “Translating Severo Sarduy’s Beach Birds. The New Review vol. 4, no. 2)
(Los Angeles: Otis College of Arts & Design Graduate Writing Program), pp. 134-143.
2007 Article: “Cabrera Infante in the Wonderland of English,” How I Learned English, ed. Tom Miller,
Afterword by Frank McCourt. Wash, D.C: National Geographic Society), 25-28. [also in Spanish
2007 Essay: “Kiss of the Spider Woman: The Adaptations” ” Approaching Teaching Puig’s Kiss of the
Spider Woman, ed. Francine Masiello & Daniel Balderston (New York: MLA, 2007), pp. 131-
2006 Translations: Delmira Agustini: “The Intruder,” “Eros,” “The Unspeakable” for Lyric Poetry
Review ( Bloomington, Indiana, 2006), pp. 23-26.
2005 Obituary: “Amistad y Traduccion,” Letras Libres, April (Mexico, D.F.) vol. 7, No. 76. pp. 33-35
2005 Review: “Fiona J. Mackintosh, Childhood in the Works of Silvina Ocampo and Alejandra
Pizarnik” (Suffolk: Tamesis, 2003) for Bulletin of Spanish Studies. (University of Glasgow,
2005 Translation: “Severo Sarduy: Letter to Lezama Lima” tr. with Carol Maier, in Jose Lezama Lima:
Selections, ed. Ernesto Livon-Grosman (Poets for Millenium series, 4), University of California
Press, 2005.
2005 Essay: “The Latin American Novel in English Translation, “ The Cambridge Companion to the
Latin American Novel, ed. Efrain Kristal (Cambridge University Press, 2005), 297-317.
2004 Translation with commentary: “Poems by Pablo Picasso” in Parties Issue of Two Lines:
Translation Arts Magazine (San Francisco, May 2003) 128-131; then published in Pablo Picasso:
The Burial of the Count of Orgaz & Other Poems, ed Jerome Rothenberg & Pierre Joris,
afterword Michel Leiris, (Cambridge, Ma: Exact Change, 2004) pp 30-31.
2004 Essay: “El Boom: Una perspectiva norteamericana” Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos (Madrid) ,
setiembre-octubre 2004, nos 651-652.
2004 Translation: “Xul Solar” by Cecilia Vicuna, for St. Marks Poetry Newsletter (December 2003) &
Without Borders (February 2004).
2004 Review: Efrain Kristal, Invisible Work: Borges and Translation (Nashville: Vanderbilt UP,
2002), Review 68, Vol 37, No. 1 (New York: Americas Society, May 2004), 163-64.
2004 Review: Felisberto Hernández, Lands of Memory (tr. E. Allen) for REVIEW 68 (New York:
Americas Society)
2003 Critical introduction to Adolfo Bioy Casares, The Invention of Morel (Modern Classics Series:
New York Review of Books, 2003), vii-xiv.
2003 “Reading Manuel Puig: A Biographer’s View.” Trans. Anton Il’inskii. Inostrannaya Literatura
no. 10 (Moscow, 2003), 257-62.
2003 Translation: Jorge Volpi, “The End of Madness,” The New Review of Literature Vol. 1 October
2003 (Los Angeles: Otis College of Art and Design), 27-29.
2001 “Lo que se pierde: the Nostalgic Translator” in Transvases Culturales:
Literatura/Cine/Traduccion, 3, edited by Pajares, Merino, Santamaria, Editorial de Universidad
del Pais Vasco, 15-22.
2000 “Reading Manuel Puig: A Biographer’s View.” Context. Dalkey Archive Press.
1998 “Literary Friends at the Movies: Guillermo Cabrera Infante and Manuel Puig” in Guillermo
Cabrera Infante: Assays, Essays and Other Arts, ed. Ardis L. Nelson: 100-108, Wayne University
1992 Jorge Luis Borges, “Some Versions of Homer” in PMLA, v. 107 # 5: 1134-38, Introduction &
Translation. [first translation to appear in PMLA]
1992 “Adolfo Bioy Casares”: biographical essay, Dictionary of Literary Biography 113: Modern Latin
American Writers: First Series (Bruccoli Clark Layman): 55-66.
1991 “Manuel Among the Stars” in World Literature Today. v. 65 # 4: 587-95.
1989 “Borges and Emir; the Writer & His Reader” in Borges and His Successors: The Borgesian
Impact on Contemporary Letters, ed. Edna Aizenberg (University of Missouri Press).
1984 “A Second Glance at the Spoken Mirror: Gabriel García Márquez and Virginia Woolf,” Revista
de Literatura Hispanica (Providence, R.I.).
1984 “Translation as (Sub)Version: On Translating Infante’s Inferno”; reprt. in Lawrence Venuti,
Rethinking Translation: Discourse, Subjectivity, Ideology. (London: Routledge, 1991): 75-85.
SubStance 42 (University of Wisconsin).
1983 “El espejo de agua: lectura de La ultima niebla de Maria Luisa Bombal,” Revista de la
Universidad de Mexico: 36-39.
Selected Reprints of Translations (2002-2005)*
2005 Book: Julian Rios, Larva. Dalkey Archive Press, 2005.
2005 Book: Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Infante’s Inferno. Dalkey Archive Press, 2005.
2004 Book: Adolfo Bioy Casares, Asleep in the Sun, reissued in Classics Series: New York Review of
Books: 2004.
2004 Book: Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Three Trapped Tigers. Dalkey Archive Press, 2004.
2003 Poem: Cecilia Vicuna “Palabrarmas” in These Are Not Sweet Girls: Poetry by Latin American
Women. Ed. Marjorie Agosin. (Fredonia, NY: White Pine Press, 2003). 287-289.
2002 Essay: “Manuel Among the Stars (Exit Laughing)”: in 2-volume collection Companion to
Contemporary World Literature from the Editors of ‘World Literature Today’ (Twayne
Publishers and Chelsea Press, 2002).
1999* Excerpt from Novel: “Curriculum Cubense,” 181-192, Dream with No Name: Contemporary
Fiction from Cuba. Ed. Juana Ponce de Leon & Esteban Rios Rivera, New York, Toronto,
London: Seven Stories Press, 1999. [reprint from “From Cuba with a Song”]. Also included in
Cubanísimo, Ed. Cristina Garcia (New York: Vintage Books, 2005). *It is difficult to track all
the reprints of my work as requests for rights often channeled directly between publishers.
Over 60 entries in journals such as: Revista Iberoamericana; Books Abroad; Eco; Review (New York
Americas Society); Revista de la Universidad de Mexico; Latin American Literary Review;
Espiral Revista; Inter-American Review of Bibliography; Linden Lane Magazine; Hispanic
Journal; Buenos Aires Herald; Revista de Literatura Hispanica; Minnesota Review; SubStance;
Diario 16 (Culturas); World Literature Today; Americas; Meta; Descant; PMLA; Book World;
Washington Post; Vuelta, Comparative Literature; Letras Libres (Mexico), MLA World
Literature Series; Romanic Review (Columbia University)
Over 120 entries in the following journals and anthologies (among others): Literary Review, Alea,
Conjunctions, Formations, Mandorla, Mundus Artium, Fiction, Sulfur, Triquarterly, New Boston
Review, The Yale Literary Review, Nimrod, Zero, Translation, Mississippi Review, Eye of the
Heart (Bobbs Merrill), Contemporary Latin American Short Stories (Fawcett), Giant Talk
(Vintage Books), The Borzoi Anthology of Latin American Literature (Knopf), The Best of the
Small Presses Pushcart Anthology, The Avant-Garde Today (Univ. of Illinois Press, 1981), The
Borges Reader (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1981), Latin American Women Writers (Brooklyn
College Press, 1982), Thirteenth Moon (New York, 1986), Spectacular Diseases (England,
1985), Labrys (England, 1985), Feminist Studies (New York, 1985), Descant (Toronto, l985,
1986), River Styx 19, (1986), New England Review and Bread Loaf Quarterly (1985), Other
Fires: Short Fiction by Latin American Women (NY: Clarkson Potter, 1986), The Review of
Contemporary Fiction (Illinois, 1986), Alejandra Pizarnik: A Profile (Colorado: LogbridgeRhodes, 1987), Ixok Amar.Go: Central American Women’s Poetry for Peace (Penobscot, Maine:
Granite Press, 1987), The Renewal of The Vision: Voices of Latin American Women Poets 1940-
1980, (Spectacular Diseases, England, 1987), Secret Weavers (White Pine Press, 1991), Latin
American Writers: Thirty Stories (St. Martins Press, 1992), PMLA (Oct. 1992), Grand Street;
New Review of Literature; Lyric Poetry Review; webzines: Words Without Borders;
International Literary Quarter; Eleven Eleven; THE NEW YORKER (July 6/13, 2009), Oxford
Anthology of Latin American Poetry (2009).
2007 Judge (second time): International Juan Rulfo Literary Prize, Guadalajara, MX
2002-03 Member, Louis Roth Award Selection Committee, MLA
1996-03 Member, MLA Translation Prize Committee
1994- Member, Exec Committee, MLA Translation Discussion Group
1992 Interim Director, Humanities Center, UCSB, (Fall)
1991- Member, Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas
1985-86 Consulting Editor, Handbook of Latin American Studies, Library of Congress
1981-84 Executive Council of American Literary Translators Association
1978 Member, Steering Committee of the Boston Latin American Theater Festival
Consultant (since the 1970s) for numerous publishers and journals over the years including:
Penguin Classics, New York Review of Books, Viking Penguin; Dalkey Archive Press; New
Directions, Inc.; Review Magazine (New York, Americas Society); UC Press; Cambridge UP;
E. P. Dutton; Harper & Row; FSG & Knopf; Henry Holt & Co; Americas Society; Culturas
(Diario 16, Madrid); Monte Avila Editores; St.Martin’s Press; Brooklyn College Press;
Wildman Press; Persea Books; the Venezuelan Publications Commission; Graywolf Press
(Palabra Sur Series); Pittsburgh UP; Texas UP; Northern Illinois Cal UP; guest editor for
special issues of Fiction magazine and Triquarterly(Northwestern University).
Member, Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana.
Member, International Board of Translators (Columbia University)
1975 Member, Modern Language Association, PEN
Lectures and Interviews (selection)
March 2009 “Writer as Translator: Jorge Luis Borges” ACLA Conference, Harvard University
March 2008 Invited lecture “Art and Ethics of Translation” Tufts University Center for Humanities
March 2007 Invited lecture: Symposium on Literary Biography, University of Oxford, UK
July 2005 Radio interview, “Leonard Schwartz interviews Suzanne Jill Levine as Writer/Translator,”
on Cross-Cultural Poetics
May 2004 Invited Lecture, “The Ideology of Fidelity,” East Oregon University, Literature Colloquium
Apr. 2004 Host and Organizer of Translation Symposium: “Literary Translation in the Humanities:
Revisiting the Text,” UCSB, IHC and L&S
Apr. 2004 Guest Speaker. “El Boom de La literatura latinoamericana,” at International Book Fair,
México City
March 2004 Keynote, “Translation and Ideology” UMASS, Amherst, ATSA Conference.
Feb. 2004 Invited one-day seminar on “Borges the Humanist,” Santa Barbara, Institute of World
Jan. 2004 Guest speaker, UCLA, International Translation Graduate Student Conference
Nov. 2003 Introduction to Mario Vargas Llosa, Hofstra University, L.I., Homage to MVLL
Nov. 2003 Panelist, “Untranslatabilities,” Boston University, ALTA Conference
Nov. 2003 Invited lecture, “The Translator’s Task,” Oberlin College, Translation Symposium
Nov. 2003 “Translator and Biographer: a Conversation with Suzanne Jill Levine” Barnard College, cosponsored by Columbia University
Fall 2003 Bilingual Reading with Saul Yurkievich, CUNY Graduate Center
Oct. 2003 Panelist, “Cuba: A Delicate Balance,” Americas Society & Cervantes Institute, N.Y.
May 2003 Invited lecture, “Oedipus in La Pampa,” UC Irvine: Lecture on Puig
Jan. 2003 Invited lecture, “Borges and Joyce,” UCLA: Homage to Borges
Dec. 2002 Public interview, “What’s the Word,” MLA National Public Radio Weekly Series,
Producer, Sally Placksin; Program, Literary Translation II, aired.
Granting Agency Refereeing (Selected)
2008 American Council Learned Society; Guggenheim Foundation
2007 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
02-04 National Endowment for the Arts: Translation Program: Accuracy Reader
John Simon Guggenheim Foundation: reference letters for applicants
Guggenheim: Consultant for Latin American and Caribbean committee, Literary Studies and
General Nonfiction
Tenure and Promotion letters (Indiana University, Sara Lawrence College)
2002-03 Reviewer/referee: Guggenheim Foundation Fellowships for Latin America: Literary Studies
& General Non-Fiction
1998 Chair, MLA Scaglione Translation Prize Committee
1997- Member, PEN American Center Translation Prize
1991- Chair/member, PEN West Translation Prize Committee
1990- NEA Spanish Manuscript Reader, Creative Writing Panel
1990 NEH Panelist, Higher Educational Program, Institutional Grants; Evaluator, Research Grants
1988-89 Jurist, Letras de Oro Literary Prize, University of Miami
1989 National Endowment for the Arts, Professional Development
1988 National Endowment for the Arts, Translation
1987 NEH Project Evaluator: Translation Institute UC Santa Cruz
1978 National Book Award Judge for the Translation Award
1976 Columbia University Translation Prize: Hispanic Institute Committee