Fernando A. Navarro holds a medical and surgical degree (Universidad de Salamanca, 1986) and is a physician specializing in clinical pharmacology (Hospital Universitario “Marqués de Valdecilla”, Santander, 1991). From 1993 until 2002, he worked as a staff medical translator in the Language Services Department of Roche Laboratories in Basel, Switzerland. He is currently an independent medical translator for multinational firms in the field of bio-pharmaceuticals. He is also Technical Director for the ‘Dictionary of Medical Terms’ Project with the Spanish National Royal Academy of Medicine (Madrid).
Member of Committee of Experts or Board of Advisers for magazines specializing in clinical medicine including ‘Panace@: Boletín de Medicina y Traducción’, ‘Confluências: Revista de Tradução Científica e Técnica’, ‘MonTI – Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación’ (Barcelona), Actas Dermo-Sifiliográficas (Madrid), Revista de Medicina Hiperbárica (Barcelona), Jano: Medicina y Humanidades (Barcelona) and Evidencias en Pediatría (Madrid); Regular Contributor to Rinconete and El trujamán published by the Centro Virtual Cervantes; Coordinator for the section entitled El laboratorio del lenguaje in the specialized periodical Diario Médico (Madrid); founding member of the MedTrad Forum on medicine and translation; Academic Correspondent and Member of the Translation Committee of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language (New York); Honorary Member of Fundación Litterae (Buenos Aires); Academic Correspondent with the Royal Academy of Medicine of Salamanca; Member of the Dictionary of Medical Terms Committee of the Spanish National Royal Academy of Medicine (Madrid); and Member of professional organizations including the Swiss Association of Translators (Berne), the Spanish Association of Medical Writers (Madrid) and Tremédica (the International Association of Translators and Writers of Medical and Related Sciences).
He is the author of the Diccionario crítico de dudas inglés-español de medicina (2nd Edition; Madrid: McGraw-Hill Interamericana, 2005), Traducción y lenguaje en medicina (Barcelona: Esteve, 1997), Parentescos insólitos del lenguaje (Madrid: Del Prado, 2002) and more than 350 articles in specialized magazines on medical translation theory and practice and problem areas in medical language.
He is the father of four children, the light of his life.