Published 2018-06-30

Translate Emily Wilson into your own language

It is IAPTI’s privilege to present renowned classics translator Emily Wilson as a Keynote Speaker for our international conference later this year. And now we want to give you all a chance to interact with Emily in the universal language that T&I professionals share: the language of translation.
Emily is probably best known for her impeccable and innovative English translation of Homer’s The Odyssey and now we’re inviting you to translate a piece of the work of this master translator into your native language.

The text below is the first verse of The Odyssey as translated into English by Emily. Send us your translations to before August 1, 2018. Contributions will be published at our next conference and on the social networks.
We look forward to hearing from you!

Tell me about a complicated man.Muse, tell me how he wandered and was lostwhen he had wrecked the holy town of Troy,and where he went, and who he met, the painhe suffered in the storms at sea, and howhe worked to save his life and bring his menback home. He failed to keep them safe; poor fools,they ate the Sun God?s cattle, and the godkept them from home. Now goddess, child of Zeus,tell the old story for our modern times.Find the beginning.