Published 2010-02-06
IAPTI presents Sergio Viaggio in UK
Time: 9:30AM Saturday, March 13th
Location: Drayton Room, Friends House, 173 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ
The event is free of charge.
Due to space limitations we ask that you register by writing to, so that we know when we’ve reached capacity.
About Sergio Viaggio:
Born in Buenos Aires, 1945. MA (cum laudae) in Russian Language and Literature, Moscow Peoples’ Friendship University, 1971. UN Spanish Translator, 1974; UN Spanish Interpreter, 1975; Chief, Interpretation Section, UN Office at Vienna, 1991; retired 2005; freelance translator and interpreter since then. Helped design and test the Spanish Interpreter Examination for the Supreme Court of the State of New Jersey, 1989. Has taught at some 20 schools of T&I in the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia; has published more than 50 articles and papers in five languages; has published a book: "Teoría general de la mediación interlingüe", Alicante, 2005 (English version: "A General Theory of Interlingual Mediation", Frank & Timme Verlag, Berlin, 2006). Founding Member and first Vice President of the European Society of Translation Studies; member of AIIC. Professor Emeritus, Universitat de Vic, 2005; Doctor Honoris Causa, Bath University, 2007.