Published 2011-08-02
IAPTI Membership Benefits
International visibility through an online profile
Full listing in our Online Members Directory
Personal e-mail address ( and use of IAPTI Logo on personal stationery
Free Articles, White Papers, and Reports about T&I. Visit our Website to learn more!
A valuable database containing a broad range of up-to-date Resources and Links
Exclusive forum to discuss every aspect of our profession with absolute freedom
Free annual subscription to MultiLingual magazine (digital issue). Request your code!
15% discount on orders from St. Jerome Publishing House
20% off on AIT Software (Translation Office 3000, Anycount, Projetex)
25% discount on the public list price of Wordfast (in addition to already existing discounts)
Member-priced subscription to Payment Practices list ? A must for translators & interpreters!
A wealth of networking contacts to share information and expertise with colleagues
Advice on Good Professional Practices
Workshops, Webinars and Seminars (free or at reduced-rate for IAPTI Members)
Free Subscription to The IAPTImes, our quarterly newsletter, and to our upcoming magazine
And there is more in the pipeline!