I am a BA holder in English and Greek Language and Literature, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. I have also recently obtained my BA in Translation , Ionian Univerity , Corfu. Additionally, I am a Master's holder in Modern Greek History , Univerite Paul Valery Montpellier III, France where I also attended MASTER II level semester in bilingual translation ( french-greek) in order to accomplish my translation studies in the Ionian University Currently, I am preparing the plan of my PhD thesis in Modern Greek History , Ionian University. I have been working as a professional translator fron english and french into greek since 2001. I am particularly interested in biology, aquaculture, ichthyology, ichthyopathology and 20th century literature , the fields I have been working on as a translator for over a decade now. Finally, I have been teaching in the secondary education both english and greek and I have been a Director of Studies in Foreign Languages Centres in Greece for 7 years. Last but not least , I am currently employed as a French language teacher in an advanced level educational centre teaching adults who aim at taking exams in the public sector via ASEP. I also speak italian, german and spanish --all of them at a C2 level according to CEF.