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IAPTI's YouTube Channel

IAPTI launches its own YouTube channel!

The International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters (IAPTI) announces new members of its Staff Team

Call for Papers IAPTI Conference TIMIȘOARA2021

Dear all, As announced, the IAPTI 6th International Conference, to be held on 3-4 October, 2020, in Timișoara, Romania has been postponed to next year due to the coronavirus pandemic. The new date is October 2 and 3, 2021. Hopefully, the coronavirus pandemic will have been brought under control and we will again be able […]

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Translate Emily Wilson into your own language

It is IAPTI’s privilege to present renowned classics translator Emily Wilson as a Keynote Speaker for our international conference later this year. And now we want to give you all a chance to interact with Emily in the universal language that T&I professionals share: the language of translation. Emily is probably best known for her […]

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Things are shaping up for IAPTI2018

Things are shaping up for IAPTI´s 5th conference in Valencia on 29-30 September 2018! The literary translator Emily Wilson will be there to give us her perspective as the first woman to translate The Odyssey into English. You can also meet the author of the famous "red book" of medical terminology and cofounder of Cosnautas, Fernando […]

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Announcing IAPTI2018 Opening Keynote Speaker

Announcing IAPTI2018 Opening Keynote Speaker Calling all fellow translators and interpreters: If you’ve never read "The Odyssey", this would be a good time to do so, because there’s a real treat in store for all of those planning to attend IAPTI’s 5th Conference to be held on September 29-30, 2018, in Valencia (Spain), when our […]

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CALL FOR PAPERS IAPTI Fifth International Conference